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Implement Change in Real Time

​Whether you are coordinating small group sessions, large workshops, or virtual meetings, our resource can be customized to meet your specific needs so that you can implement collaborative decision-making, inclusive practices, and constructive feedback models in your workplace. 

From Idea to Action

Join Our 2025 Beta Test

Equip your HR and DEI teams with our cutting-edge, interactive resource database designed specifically for fostering inclusive and equitable practices in the workplace. Scheduled for beta testing in 2025, our platform will allow users to swiftly navigate through an extensive collection of exercises and activities based on numerous parameters including session format (virtual or in-person), group size, material usage, duration, and targeted outcomes. ​

The goal is to make incorporating inclusive and equitable practices into change initiatives, decisions, and daily workflows simple and effective. 

Register Now for FREE

Sign up for our beta program to explore how facilitating inclusive and equitable exercises could be incorporated in your organization.

view of our EquiTrain pilot database on a computer
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