Int Inq has collected the information below to help your teams learn more about how to work in more equitable and collaborative ways. We've done our best to attach links to additional learning resources. Each are listed by a variety of topics below. This work is ongoing and we are always eager to increase our own knowledge and welcome your perspectives too.
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Building Leadership Buy-in for DEI Initiatives. Transformative Readership. Katherine Stitham
Employee Engagement: Seeing the Bigger Picture. Officevibe, Jacob Shriar
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Recruitment, Hiring, and Retention. Urban Sustainability Directors
Network, Desiree Williams-Rajee, Kapwa Consulting
Why Diversity Matters. McKinsey & Company, Vivian Hunt, Dennis Layton, Sara Prince
Race to Lead: Confronting the Nonprofit Racial Leadership Gap. Building Movement Project, Sean Thomas-Breitfeld, Frances Kunreuther
The Number 1 Strategy for True Inclusion in the Workplace. Gallup. Dan Grafstein
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace: Benefits and Challenges. Achievers. Kellie Wong
DEI Deconstructed. Lily Zheng
The Diversity Advantage: Fixing Gender Inequality in the Workplace. Ruchika Tulshyan
The Human Equity Advantage: Beyond Diversity to Talent Optimization. Trevor Wilson
Erasing Institutional Bias. Tiffany Jana and Ashley Dias Mejias
The Culture Code. Daniel Coyle
Organizational Development Principles, Processes, Performance. Gary N. McLean
Facilitating with Ease. Ingrid Bens
Facilitators Guide to Participatory Decision Making. Sam Kaner
The Surprising Power of Liberating Stuctures: Simple Rule to Unleash a Culture of Innovation. Henri Libmanowicz
Inclusion on Purpose: An Intersectional Approach to Creating Belonging at Work. Ruchika Tulshyan
The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety. Timothy Clark
The Fearless Organization. Amy Edmonson
The Politics of Reality: Oppression. Marilyn Frye
The Culture of Power. Paul Kivel
Connecting Oppression and Privilege: A Pedagogy for Social Justice. Dena Samuels
5 Tips for Being an Ally Chescaleigh
A Gardener’s Tale. Dr. Camara Jones
How to Understand (Civic) Power Eric Liu
Why people fall for misinformation Joseph Isaac
12 Types of Cognitive Bias. Practical Psychology.
9 Cognitive Biases to Avoid. Mind Known
Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Paulo Freire
Privilege, Power, and Difference. Allan Johnson
Teaching to Transgress. bell hooks
The Class Ceiling: Why it Pays to be Privileged. Sam Friedman
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good. Michael Sandel
The Psychology of Moral Conviction. Linda Skitka
The Management of Workplace Conflict: Contrasting Pathways in the HRM Literature. Denise Currie, Tom Gormley, Bill Roche, Paul Teague
Managing Difficult Workplace Conversations: Goals, Strategies, and Outcomes. Graham Bradley and Amanda Campbell
Paradoxes of Restorative Justice in the Workplace. Paul, G.
Non-Violent Communication. Marshall Rosenburg
A Helping Hand: Mediation with Non-Violent Communication. Liv Larson
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High. Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler
Changing Lenses: Restorative Justice for Our Times. Howard Zehr
Thinking Fast & Slow. Daniel Kahneman
Talking Across the Divide: How to Communicate with People You Disagree with and Maybe Even Change the World. Justin Lee
Multicultural experience enhances creativity: The when and how. Leung, Angela Ka-yee & Maddux, Wiliam & Galinsky, Adam & Chiu, Chi Yue.
Collaborating with People Like Me: Ethnic Co-Authorship within the U.S. Freeman RB, Huang W.
The Challenges of Refugee Resettlement: Policy and Psychological Factors. National Association of Social Workers.
Immigrants in Maine. American Immigration Council
Multicultural Resources for Maine. Maine DHHS Office of Multicultural Affairs
The Danger of a Single Story Chimimanda Adichie
UNHCR Teaching about Refugees United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
A Child's Curiosity: Understanding Cultural Difference Lara Zeineddine
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Anne Fadiman
Gender Bias Is Real: Women's Perceived Competency Drops Significantly When Judged As Being Forceful. Cathy Caprino
Gender Bias And How To Recognize And Navigate Warning Signs. Caren Merrick
AMA to states: Stop interfering in health care of transgender children James L. Madara
Transgender workers face unequal access to benefits at work. Here's how employers can change that. Weng Cheong
Certainty Inspires Action. Laura Gee
How to Talk and Listen to Transgender People Jackson Bird
This is what LGBT life is like around the world. Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols
Transgender Workplace Diversity: Policy Tools, Training Issues and Communication Strategies for HR and Legal Professionals by Jillian T. Weiss
2019 Annual Report On People with Disabilities in America. Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Statistics and Demographics
Tony Winner Ali Stroker Reframes Disability Representation and Identity Schanelle Saldanha
Living Language Guide for Ability. Boston University
coming soon
Demystifying Disability: What to Know, What to Say, and How to Be an Ally. Emily Ladau
The Neurodiverse Workplace. Victoria Honeybourne
The Silenced Dialogue: Power and Pedagogy in Educating Other's Children. Lisa Delpit
White Privilege Shapes the U.S. Rober Jensen
Structural Racism and Community Building. Richard Hofrichter and Rajiv Bhatia
What is White Privilege, Really? Cory Collins
Peggy McIntosh: Beyond the Knapsack. Adrienne Van Der Valk
Support Black-Owned Businesses: 181 Places to Shop Online Sophia Conti
10 Reasons You Should Support Black Lives Matter Elly Hancock
The Cost of Code Switching Chandra Arthur
‘Intergroup anxiety’: Can you try too hard to be fair? Christian Science Monitor
Color Blind or Color Brave? Mellody Hobson
Tell Me about Your Identity Crisis Cedrice Webber
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race Jay Smooth
How White America Talks About Race Time Wise
Does Race Still Matter? Tim Wise
Myths of Post-Racial Politics Tim Wise
Mirrors of Privilege: Making Whiteness Visible (A Film) World Trust Educational Services
How to Be an Anti-Racist. Ibram Kendi
Why are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? Beverly Tatum
Critical Race Theory, an Introduction. Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic
White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son. Tim Wise
White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism. Paula Rothenburg
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